A long walk in the misty meadows to the river; thirsty, tired and wanting a rest. After hours of walking I finally reach the river expecting a nice drink but the river is blood. After some searching I find a small pool of water. I have my drink of cool water, it runs down my throat and I feel already stronger and sit down for a rest. After a while of resting I slowly stand up to carry on my journey. My legs are aching from days of walking.  I find an old rotten slimy, bridge standing in mist so thick that I can't see what is on the other side of the bridge. Underneath of the bridge flows the thick, crimson river of blood. As I take my first step, I hear the bridge. It creaks and groans. My foot lifts for a second step, but my other leg breaks through the wood. But before I hit the surface of the a portal appears and I fall and hit the ground.

Suddenly I'm in a cave crawling with all sorts of monsters, they start with giant weters that just walk around until they see you and then they just attack you. Then theirs snails that walk around slowly then when they see you they just blow up, their blast is so powerful it can blow you away even though its 3 miles away from you. Scorpians the worst they have this electrified sting with 30,000  volts.

With no were to go or escape I'm forced to carry on through this dreadful cave. Just then I spot something glowing in the distance. I pick up a rock and through it at the spooky glow, the rock hits it and nothing happens, I slowly walk towards it and their right their is a torch and chest. I grab the torch and slowly open the slimy mouldy chest, inside the chest is amour, swords and flint. I grab all of it to help me on my epic jorney. I soon heir something flowing between a crack in the distance. When I reach the crack I find out that the rock movable grabing my sword I wedge it in the crack and the boulder moves a small room appears and the flowing is a small creek that might lead out of this cave. With one last look at this small creek and back at the cave I quickly make my decision to follow this creek. the creek is cold and the walls are closing in just then I heir a fast flowing river then I slip and I appear next to this fast flowing river. Looking both ways I see light ahead and deside to head to it it. Traveling down here is'nt easy suddenly I slip in the water and I'm pushed under the rapids. As the light gets closer I struggle to keep myself up when I manege to I'm shoved out of the side of a mountain screaming.I hit the ground and keep rolling. I come to a stop in a pit of burning hot charcoal. With a yelp I scramble out of the pit rubing my eyes. I take a look around and I realise I'm in the wrong place, The Spires.

A gruesome, nasty place filled with nasty, scaly dragons everywere burning everthing in their sight. Theirs also the first ever black sheep everywere grazing on whatever left.         

THE DRAGONS NESTING GROUNDS As I walked through the Dragons Nesting Grounds I saw old nests full of cracked faded blue eggs. Towers of crystals formed by sand and old dragon scales covered in claw marks from dragons sharping their human killing claws. The ground was covered by scorch marks from dragons protecting their young. Close to the middle of the nesting grounds is a gluggy swamp that smells like an elephants dead rotten body. If you touch the gluggy swamp you can lose your arm or leg. Every second full moon there is a fog that makes the nesting grounds very dangerous. And if you get lost in the fog you would most likely die of starvation if you cant find shelter for the night. Every now and then if your lucky you might just see a dragon straying from home, but be careful because if a dragon gets your scent they might track you down and hurt you or even kill you if they are extremely strong. If you look close enough you might see foot marks from dragons or other creatures walking around.

As i found myself waking up in the Purple Forest it felt like a nightmare. Next to me was a waterfall it wasn't like your normal waterfall the water was like black gooey blood, people call it the waterfall of death. I had a sense that i was not alone and behind me was a drangon it was green and had scaly skin like a fish but i felt that he was my friend. So I hoped on the dragon and I saw a sword that was shiny the bow was ancient and the suit of armer that was old and warn. The sky had a black clous lumming over it and it rained black gooey blood. The red roses had black syrp, people call then the roses of death. In the middle of the Purple Forest is a magical willow tree, the branches looked like old wrinkly hands that want to grab you.behind the willow tree is a old abandoned castle but that's what I thought. A evil queen named Elizabeth so if you even look at the castle she will punish you. So always be ware of the Purple Forest.

As I found myself waking up in the Kingdom of Fairies, I saw evil fairies flying past giving me an evil glare. When I stood up and looked around I saw purple trees with fairies sitting on the tentacle like vines. Purple, pink and red flowers all over the ground and big blue magic mushrooms in the distance. The sky was purple and blue with white clouds in it. As I started walked I was greeted by a nice fairy that warned me about the magic mushrooms, and told me to keep out of the way of the evil fairies.

As I found myself waking up in the Purple Forest, I saw evil pixies flying past the big bright sun. I was lying in a meadow of dark blue flowers, their pollen smelt like burnt flesh. I turned to my left and there standing among the dark blue flowers were magic mushrooms, they were red and white. The spiky purple leaves fall from the tall purple trees/. As I turn to my right I smell a horrid smell, there in amongst the purple trees was a pond of death. As I approached this foul smelling pond of death I could see it was thick, black goo that filled the pond. I walked away found in a clearing, where I could see a waterfall. This waterfall had beautiful clear water. I could see the magical fish dancing in the water underneath the waterfall. Some parts of the purple forest can be magical and beautiful but other parts and dark and evil. So make sure you stick to the right path where you pass by the Purple Forest.

Neo was running away from cave spiders, blue and orange evil spiders. He found himself in a cave fall of upside down dragons that were asleep. There were bones on the floor and the bones were everywhere. There were blue, orange, red, black, white dragons and in the middle there was a huge yellow dragon that is the king dragon because there are no more yellow dragons. The cave was dripping with dragon slobber, and people that would not come out ever again. Neo forgot that the spiders were still following him. Then the spiders were shouting at Neo and the dragons started to get up and then they started to fly. Neo found a hole so he ran and leaped out of the hole and landed on a dragon. Neo took the purple and red dragon to the castle of humans and then he trained the dragon. Neo has made the dragon his pet and is now living a good life in the castle of humans. Now Neo has taken the pet dragon called spit fire. They go everywhere together.

It’s a hot sunny day at the dragons nesting grounds. There’s high cliffs made out of solid rock sand and dirt. The sand is yellow as the sun and dry as mars. There’s black and white egg shells all over the place. There’s burnt cactus broken cactus and fresh green cactus. The sky is orange as a mandarin.

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