A long walk in the misty meadows to the river; thirsty, tired and wanting a rest. After hours of walking I finally reach the river expecting a nice drink but the river is blood. After some searching I find a small pool of water. I have my drink of cool water, it runs down my throat and I feel already stronger and sit down for a rest. After a while of resting I slowly stand up to carry on my journey. My legs are aching from days of walking.  I find an old rotten slimy, bridge standing in mist so thick that I can't see what is on the other side of the bridge. Underneath of the bridge flows the thick, crimson river of blood. As I take my first step, I hear the bridge. It creaks and groans. My foot lifts for a second step, but my other leg breaks through the wood. But before I hit the surface of the a portal appears and I fall and hit the ground.

Suddenly I'm in a cave crawling with all sorts of monsters, they start with giant weters that just walk around until they see you and then they just attack you. Then theirs snails that walk around slowly then when they see you they just blow up, their blast is so powerful it can blow you away even though its 3 miles away from you. Scorpians the worst they have this electrified sting with 30,000  volts.

With no were to go or escape I'm forced to carry on through this dreadful cave. Just then I spot something glowing in the distance. I pick up a rock and through it at the spooky glow, the rock hits it and nothing happens, I slowly walk towards it and their right their is a torch and chest. I grab the torch and slowly open the slimy mouldy chest, inside the chest is amour, swords and flint. I grab all of it to help me on my epic jorney. I soon heir something flowing between a crack in the distance. When I reach the crack I find out that the rock movable grabing my sword I wedge it in the crack and the boulder moves a small room appears and the flowing is a small creek that might lead out of this cave. With one last look at this small creek and back at the cave I quickly make my decision to follow this creek. the creek is cold and the walls are closing in just then I heir a fast flowing river then I slip and I appear next to this fast flowing river. Looking both ways I see light ahead and deside to head to it it. Traveling down here is'nt easy suddenly I slip in the water and I'm pushed under the rapids. As the light gets closer I struggle to keep myself up when I manege to I'm shoved out of the side of a mountain screaming.I hit the ground and keep rolling. I come to a stop in a pit of burning hot charcoal. With a yelp I scramble out of the pit rubing my eyes. I take a look around and I realise I'm in the wrong place, The Spires.

A gruesome, nasty place filled with nasty, scaly dragons everywere burning everthing in their sight. Theirs also the first ever black sheep everywere grazing on whatever left.         

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