Neo was running away from cave spiders, blue and orange evil spiders. He found himself in a cave fall of upside down dragons that were asleep. There were bones on the floor and the bones were everywhere. There were blue, orange, red, black, white dragons and in the middle there was a huge yellow dragon that is the king dragon because there are no more yellow dragons. The cave was dripping with dragon slobber, and people that would not come out ever again. Neo forgot that the spiders were still following him. Then the spiders were shouting at Neo and the dragons started to get up and then they started to fly. Neo found a hole so he ran and leaped out of the hole and landed on a dragon. Neo took the purple and red dragon to the castle of humans and then he trained the dragon. Neo has made the dragon his pet and is now living a good life in the castle of humans. Now Neo has taken the pet dragon called spit fire. They go everywhere together.

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